“每一種形式的瑜伽練習都有其陰陽的面向。陰,陽形式的瑜伽互相平衡。陰瑜伽安撫並平和我們的內心,陽瑜伽則活躍和刷新我們。不同的時刻需要不同形式的練習。”出自於陰瑜伽創始人,Paul Grilley。
課程長度:1 小時 15分
Candlelight Yin uses soft lights of candle and music to help people get into deep relaxation. It bases on Yin yoga asanas, staying up to 3-5 minutes in each asana with the goal to soften the tissues and stimulate the flow of chi within the body. Staying patiently in one asana will let gravity and time take the body into a deeper stretch.
Suitable for everyone and those yoga practitioners who wish to switch their normal yoga pace and mood into a slower and quiet one. It is recommended to those who seek inner peace and self-healing.